I’ve mentioned Ken Y. a couple of times. He’s on the Rivendell list. He used a Quickbeam to ride the Trans-Iowa, and has been using the same bike to run up an amazing string of commute-to-work days over the past year. This is not some wimpy, SF Bay Area commute like I have. The guy has to deal with serious Minnesota winters. It’s been awe-inspiring and more than a bit humbling to read his postings. And he just keeps on commuting.
Well, until yesterday, it seems. Looks like he got tapped by a car on his Friday homeward leg.
Not a lot of specifics, but it seems to be part of a rather disturbing trend in that state.
His blog is here, and it might be nice to drop a comment or wishes his way. My personal belief is that his string continues - it shouldn’t be broken by events such as this.