Ok, maybe for most of you this is sooooo last decade,
but this was the first time I’ve stumbled across this (it cropped up
during a quest for info on an entirely different topic, but I managed a
quick tangent to find the cycling-specific branch) -
The weird bit is that very little of what you’d “expect” to find seems to be bubbling up to the top - no SheldonBrown.com for example. I’ll have to return and peruse more deeply, but I just wanted to leave this trail marker for later…
And just to quickly clarify - it isn’t that I didn’t know about Google,
it’s that the Google Directory was a new-to-me derivation. At
first glance (and if you try to “Submit a Site”), it appears to be a
reworked DMOZ
presentation. Anyway, it’s not earth-shattering or anything. Just
another way to slice and dice all that stuff that sits on our widely
distributed network of servers and such….