Rework is one of three books I read this past year which keep significantly resonating in my brain. (Well, there’s probably more than three now that I think about it, but ideas in Rework, plus Program or Be Programmed and The War Of Art seem to keep interlocking and reinforcing one another, and as such become more of a troika…)
The folks who penned Rework run 37Signals, which as near as I can tell, is a significantly creative, focused and intelligent company in the sense of “appropriate structure.”* The person who tipped me to the book Rework was Grant Petersen, who (as y’all prolly know) formed Rivendell Bicycle Works after Bridgestone Bicycles USA shut down operations.
It’s roundly fitting that the folks at 37Signals would take a moment to sit down with Grant and interview him. It’s a fine interview, and he may be still answering reader questions at the end of the article.
Go read it:
Bootstrapped, Profitable & Proud
*remind me to do a blog post about “appropriate structure” sometime, or dig around the vinyl bins and find a copy of “Let the Power Fall” by Robert Fripp and read the back. Or, here. (Though that person attributes it to Robert Fripp directly, my recollection was that he had transcribed it from elsewhere. Since I sold that vinyl a while ago, it looks like a lunchtime trip to the used record shop is in order…)
A kindly lurking blog reader passed along this link to the Fripp album mentioned above.