Sarah from Acme Bicycle Company in Kansas City forwarded me a link the other day. I’ve always enjoyed getting her intermittent emails, reading her comments to the various lists I follow, enjoyed the hearty enthusiasm of the her flickr stream and receiving the submissions she’s shared with the Galleries (here, here, here, here and of course, here).
But, I was saddened to read the news that Acme will be folding its tent.
“Say Goodbye to Acme Bicycle”
According to the text, the migration will be westward to Portland. But, it does sound like there won’t be an Acme, Pt Deux in the city of roses. But, I’d find it hard to believe that Portland’s bike culture hasn’t gained a significant member. Despite the geographic improbability, I did think that somehow I’d find myself in Kansas City someday, and know exactly what was first on my list to visit.
Anyway, good luck to you Sarah. Safe journies and keep things real!