cyclofiend.com - peripheral thoughts & notes

February 2025
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Events of Note
Filed under: general, rides, cyclocross, rivendelica
Posted by: The Cyclofiend @ 10:53 am

Had that realization last week as I rode home from work - it wasn’t that late and the sun wasn’t hitting the roadway any longer.  Time to bring the aged NiteRider out of the closet and make sure that it still works. Then the other morning, as the dog and I worked our way around the block, came the breeze with a bit of bite.  In other words, the first true breath of fall.

Which is not a bad thing, certainly. Despite the layers of HVAC climate-controlled workplaces and the fact we seem able to buy spring fruit year round, the seasons still manage to create the urgency that stems from far simpler times. The nights edge out a little longer and we realize what a gift warm sunlight actually is.

It also means that otherwise normal - ok, that may be a bit of a stretch - people are donning dresses and tearing around the trails in preparation for cyclocross season.  This is as much a sign of the season as anything.  Dried, brown grass, dust in the air and sparkly feathered boas…  such is Fall in the SF Bay Area.

Pilarcitos/BASP, SRCX, Surf City, LARDP…all on the schedule (even though it says “2008″) for your perusement. And more at the NCNCA cyclocross pages.

But, one of the cooler things manifested quickly yesterday on the RBW Owners Bunch List - a Rivendell and Friends Ride to take place on Sunday, October 18th.  The specifics can be found here.

Event: NorCalâ„¢ Rivendell Ride
Date: Sunday, October 18

Start: Golden Gate bridge, south toll plaza lot
Time: 9:00am
Distance: 75 miles or so

(just the part to Pt. Reyes Station and back on these documents)
map: http://sfrandonneurs.org/assets/downloads/200kmap.pdf
cue sheet: http://sfrandonneurs.org/assets/downloads/200kcuesheet.pdf

See the cue sheet and map, which contains an elevation profile. It’s
an out-and-back, so if you don’t want to do the whole thing, it’s easy
to turn back at any point.  Nicely maintained gravel is an option for
a small bit of this ride.

This, of course is taking place the day after the Lion of Fairfax, which it seems my schedule will allow this year.  Yay! So, I plan on being good and sore for at least the beginning and end of the Rivendell Ride.

One Response to “Events of Note”

  1. beth h Says:
    Two words: Cross. Crusade. You MUST bring a NorCal contingent to PDX. Please. Plus, our beer’s better. ;^)