With this morning’s loop, February kicked up a bit towards the end of the month.
343 riding miles with a 58 and a 63 Saturday loop, plus a soggy 48 to see the TOC riders cross the bridge.
Had one week feeling like utter crud - curiously enough following the CXSR race and the soggy 48 - so I was off the bike for the following week with not quite a cold, but coughing fits, sore throat and I think some fever.
Again, mostly fixed Quickbeam miles, though the Hilsen got in a bit of trail work. Four gym sessions. No specific running.
Tempted to punch my card at the Davis Bike Club 200K next Saturday.
March 1st, 2009 at 12:05 am I am confused. I seem to have ridden more miles than you so far this year (all on the road as I don’t own a trainer or rollers and don’t have a gym membership), yet you seem to have ridden yours, well, –gulp– faster.
..::shakes head::..
March 1st, 2009 at 7:53 am No trainer or roller miles. I try to avoid that if at all possible. Faster? Dunno ’bout that. Hoping to do a bit more indirect vectoring on the way to and from work. Schedule demands and weather had me on MDR (Most Direct Routes) most of the time.