cyclofiend.com - peripheral thoughts & notes

January 2025
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Styling Duds
Filed under: general
Posted by: The Cyclofiend @ 5:05 pm

Fresh from the screenprinter!
As my recently-delivered pencam recorded above, my surfing screen printer dropped off a fresh box of shirts yesterday, so I’m now back in stock on Large and XL sizes.  If you haven’t heard the pitch before, these are long-sleeve Hanes Beefy-T’s, so they feel all warm and comfy. If you jump on over to the “Stuff” page on the cyclofiend.com site, you can see the image a little more clearly, and place an order directly off the page. It has the “One Cog - Zero Excuses” mantra which is compatible both with both fixed-gear and singlespeed systems. Some happy owners have said that it seemed to give them that extra bit of “ooomph” over tough terrain. 

Since there seemed to be measurable performance benefits to wearing the shirt, I was trying to get a high-fallutin magazine to review it, but all they wanted to know was if it was vertically compliant and torsionally stiff.  When I told them that it seemed to move equally well in all directions, their tone cooled noticeably. There was an audible gasp when I mentioned they were 100% cotton.

But, then again, 100% cotton doesn’t give you startling suprises like this:
Rizzarattin-frizzifrattin moths!


4 Responses to “Styling Duds”

  1. Josh Says:
    Moths? I had a box full of woolens chewed up this summer. Guess I’m learning to darn this winter…
  2. The Cyclofiend Says:
    Yep. I’d had almost every other piece out and washed it over the past few months, but for some reason didn’t do this one. It was nicely folded to allow all the munching to proceed unmolested. Ah well…
  3. beth h Says:
    Here I am researching jerseys for my bike club and you have to show me THAT. At least the brand in question offer a repair service.
  4. The Cyclofiend Says:
    Oops. Sorry! Actually, the lesson is really for me - #1: Take out the wool occasionally and #2: wash it periodically.

    For some reason, that one jersey wasn’t getting much wear-time, and I that has a lot to do with it.