Didn’t attend Interbike this year, so I’ve been living vicariously off reports and photo spreads (and what exactly is it about the .mac/.me gallery function that generates such slooooooowwwww response and ultimately “Unresponsive Script” warnings? Gimmee Flickr!) for the past week or so. Rawland and the Salsa Fargo seem to be getting noticed, which is great, and the Longbike Revolution seems imminent, which is even better. Moots was slapping Rivendell Rolly-Pollys onto their models, another indicator that peacefully coexisting, we will get you riding larger tires.
But, one wrinkle I hadn’t noticed until this morning was the Bruce Gordon Cycles BLT from the Taiwanese deli*:
(*um, sorry for the unfortunate sandwich-y reference. dont’ know what came over me.)
In which you, yes you, can get the above rig - that’s frame, fork (1″ threaded steerer standard, but threadless available as an option), and the some of the best danged touring racks available - BG’s 4130 tubular racks - for $925. The T/BLT page goes into more detail, and it’s worth a look.
Shouldn’t be any confusion regarding which frames were made where, eh?
October 5th, 2008 at 4:08 pm thanks for the link! The BG was amazing, unfortunately every time I went by there was too many people to take photos. I guess that is fortunate for him and unfortunate for you. Cheers!
October 9th, 2008 at 6:35 am I saw a photo of this also and the price seems to good to be true.