cyclofiend.com - peripheral thoughts & notes

January 2025
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Cap’n! We’re Listing!
Filed under: general, pencams, brevets
Posted by: The Cyclofiend @ 2:26 pm

List, listy, listering…Once again, I find myself with a bunch of odds and ends that would be padded paragraphs or a succession of bullet point items - as they tend to block up the actual writing-entries, which has been light of late. So, here they are:

- PBP photos and reports. If you haven’t seen the reports, it was a thumper of a ride. Rain and cool temps contributed to the highest attrition rate in recent memory (one report said since the ’30’s…!).  Lots of good folks prepped for this and then got the red card.  In no particular order:

Jared’s Photos
Rob Hawk’s PBP Photos - Bikes of Paris & PBP photos
Ed Felker’s Bleriot at PBP Report
Jon Muellner’s PBP Report
Campy Only’s Eric Norris Report
SIR’s Flickr Photos

I know there’s more, but these are to get ya started…  The next one is in 2011, so get riding!

- I find myself one bike down these days, as what started as a quick conversation about road bikes turned into me selling my open-wheeled racer.  It was smart-light and a fine riding bike, but I’d been out on it something like 3 times in the last couple years. I did pull the spotless-and-new SOBA bars off of it though…

- The Pencam SD has died unceremoniously…

I guess it didn’t take too kindly to the last bounce off the pavement. (Innards photo was from the exploratory surgery, not the fall itself…).  It lasted about a year, and something in the shutter/switching seems to have gone piffle. It will turn on, won’t react to the shutter (or the microswitch) being pressed, and then will not turn itself off. I was worried after I had to snap it back together during the Marin Century. Since I’ve got a couple SD cards, I’ve already ordered a replacement with no memory installed.

- Hilsen, oh Hilsen, oh where is my Hilsen?  Just wondering. Not that I’ve actually picked up the phone and followed up to find out.  And it is to have a few non-stock bits, so it’s not a straight-forward build. There’s been enough other distractions of late to prevent really enjoying it yet, but I’m starting to clear that tunnel…

- The all-singing, all-dancing Rivendell website means that they can post new product photos pretty seamlessly, so the result may be that the Cyclofiend RBW page will have less photos like that.  It will continue to be where things Rivendell get aggregated (in addition to the RBW Owners Bunch on Googlegroups), and I’ll try to find photos, links and other Riv-in-the-news type stuff.  If you see something like that, send it my way, eh?

- Lion of Fairfax CX race on September 29th. The logo really cracks me up.  Last year, this was the White’s Hill School CX race, and came about a month later. This year, it’s part of the new “Nor Cal Cup Series” which picks one race from a bunch of scattered promoters and has a points thing. They say they’ve reworked the course (which was long) and will be giving a “mediocre” prize for the mid-pack finisher in each race. It’s something to aim for…

- Been running still. Suprised myself the other day by cracking off some incline repeats and not falling into a gibbering, quivering heap afterwards. It doesn’t mean that I’ll be anything approaching competitive, but it will hopefully make me look less like a waddling waterfowl on the hoof-it bits.  Then again, my right calf keeps turning into hardwood at odd moments, so I may be doing the Herman Munster gait imitation…

- On the other hand, I haven’t been riding much on the trails. Rolling downhill on new fireroads and singletracky bits is not an equivilent. Gotta get them knibblies slapped onto the Quickbeam.

Anyway, that’s sorta it right now.  Other longer missives to follow.

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